I want to share something with you today that I’ve only shared with a few people. It’s a lucid dream I had a while back that eventually turned into one of the greatest practices I have. More than anything, it’s a way to work with your emotions.

…even the most challenging ones.

I want you to imagine a room, a building, a space…somewhere that resonates with you. Could be a spiritual or holy place. Could be somewhere you’ve been and felt deeply connected with.

See yourself there.

Open every window and door. After you do, imagine setting up two chairs in the center of the room. One is for you. One is for whatever wishes to visit.

Settle in.

Remember, you’re holding space for everything and anything that needs your attention. No distractions. No judgements. Just letting things be exactly as they are.

Maybe joy walks in through one of the doors and sits down next to you for a while. Jumps on the chair. Does a dance and wanders off.

feel it. all the way through. when you finally understand it, then you can let it go. evan sanders. the better man project. quote.

Maybe a memory comes through one of the open windows and you remember a special day long ago.

But the true healing arrives when we embrace the more difficult things work with. So when sadness walks through the door, you don’t avoid it, but rather you motion to the chair for it to sit down, hold its hand, and listen.

Don’t run from it. Seek to understand it first.

Listen to what it needs. Sure, it may be uncomfortable at first. That’s the way difficult emotions are. But the more you sit with them the deeper the insights become. You see through the pain and start to recognize the opportunities for healing.

Those darker moments get lighter and lighter as you bring love to them. The heaviness of the emotion begins to lift. The more you embrace it, the more sense it makes.

…and eventually, when it’s ready, it gets up and walks away.

Make this practice your own. Let your imagination run with it. But I think you understand the core of it. Leave yourself open to hearing the messages even if they are difficult.

There’s no greater thing I could ever teach you than learning how to tap into the deepest wisest version of yourself.

This is just one of the ways to get there.


Evan Sanders