At the end of the day, you just have to go out there and do the damn thing.

You can’t spend your entire life wondering what it would be like if you went for it.

You can’t wait until the perfect moment to get going because it will never arrive.

You can’t wish that all of the things that happened in the past would just go away and you could do it all over again.

You can’t.

As tough as a pill that may be to swallow, it’s the truth.

Sometimes the truth feels like a slap in the face.

But here’s what you can do.

You can get started.

You can make some moves – they don’t have to be perfect – and start building momentum.

You can take everything you learned from the past and start taking responsibility for how the next pages are going to be written.

You can take back your life from fear, doubt, worry and blame.

The greatest risk of all is having stayed camped out in the harbor instead of actually setting sail upon the ocean of possibility.

No regrets.

No looking back to the past wishing you actually went for it.

Live for these moments in front of you.

It’s all you have.

Evan Sanders
The Better Man Project