On the edge of turning 64 this coming week. This article shakes me to the core and your words are coming when I know they were meant for me to read and digest. They reflect back to me everything I’ve been feeling but unable to be clear about. Thank you for showing that there is a way forward.
This is another lovely piece of writing Evan thank you. Yes the resistance and the pull of wanting to fix the past. A hard place. Want a journey this is xx
You described my life to a tee and it fits where I am on my life path. Went through a tough unexpected breakup and it really threw me...I am ready for the next chapter. Thanks for your words. I can't thank you enough!
I would absolutely love to hear your thoughts on the practice and if you have a piece of it that you'd like to share please do!
On the edge of turning 64 this coming week. This article shakes me to the core and your words are coming when I know they were meant for me to read and digest. They reflect back to me everything I’ve been feeling but unable to be clear about. Thank you for showing that there is a way forward.
so happy it found you and happy birthday!
Your writing reminded me of a poem I love.
By Emory Hall
Make peace
With all the women
You once were.
Lay flowers
at their feet.
Offer them incense
And honey
And forgiveness.
Honor them
And give them
Your silence.
For they are the bones
Of the temple
You sit in now.
For they are
The rivers
Of wisdom
Leading you toward
The sea.
//I have been a thousand different women.
This is a beautiful piece, thank you
Thank you! What resonated?
This is another lovely piece of writing Evan thank you. Yes the resistance and the pull of wanting to fix the past. A hard place. Want a journey this is xx
Thank you so much! Glad you liked it. What a journey this is yes.
God is just so good to me
Amazing ! Just amazing! Thank you
You described my life to a tee and it fits where I am on my life path. Went through a tough unexpected breakup and it really threw me...I am ready for the next chapter. Thanks for your words. I can't thank you enough!
So sorry to hear that! Happy you are moving forward
Thank you so much! What resonated?