For Those Brave Enough to Believe in What’s Possible
How faith and resilience can guide you through fear and into a life of endless possibility.
How far can I go?
How far into the unknown can I wander and trust that the path will reveal itself along the way?
Can I trust myself to gently let go of what has held me back for so long and know deep within my heart that everything I’ve ever dreamed of will be there for me?
These questions—and many others—have been bouncing around inside me for quite some time.
They have been at the forefront of my mind, calling me to continue down the road and find out just how far one can really go.
When I look back on my life as it has unfolded so far, it has become quite clear that I’ve landed exactly where I needed to be—even though if where I am right now is not where I am meant to stay.
Oh, and there’s so much fear.
That’s how I know I’m facing what I truly need to look at. It’s the fact that I don’t want to look at it, the running from it, the denial and every other possible way to not confront what needs to be overcome—that’s how I know I’m in the pocket.
That’s where the real work is. That’s where the possibility of everything you could be lives.
But it’s terrifying.
Knowing fear is one thing. But feeling it coarse through your veins is an experience unlike any other. And yet the calling hasn’t changed—you have to move through this.
A lot of what I’ve been experiencing lately is incredibly difficult to put to words.
How do you explain that there is a feeling deep within your bones that you have to do something that you’ve never done before? How do you describe the whispers coming from something inside of you deeper than the ocean guiding you straight into the fog?
You can’t. It’s just something you feel.
And on the other side of all of those deep feelings, there’s the sensation of having 1,000 hooks from the past tethered to you—fighting momentum every step of the way.
That’s the battle of the mind vs. the heart.
the fear, doubt, worry, anxiety…
the love, understanding, wisdom and courage…
Two sides of the same coin battling it out endlessly.
As compelling as all the stories rooted in fear have been, I know the wisdom of my heart has never once let me down. I know that I tend to lose the battle in my mind because it tries to understand things that are fundamentally beyond it.
So when I finally drop down into my heart, the truth has always been there waiting for me. It knows what’s right and pure. It has never led me astray.
And then come the visions.
Visions of the future—images so clear that you could almost reach out and grab them.
Because when I close my eyes, sometimes it’s as if they are open. The things that I see are blooming with purpose and of a place beyond where I am now.
But what is that? It can’t be just imagination. It’s almost as if those visions have a different texture entirely—like a grit that you can feel when rolling a grain of sand between your fingers.
What is that deep inside of each us that calls us to be more, that shows us everything we are capable of and then asks you to step onto a path that you cannot fully understand?
I still really don’t know. The soul? God? Energy? Universe?
And of course with all of this comes pressure.
The pressure of even having these dreams in the first place. The pressure of knowing you have to let go of pieces of who you’ve been in order to become who you really are.
The hardest part of it all is knowing you have to move forward, and at the same time, being too scared to—so you don’t.
Outside expectations are nothing compared to the feeling of denying a call you know you must pick up.
So then the phone just rings and rings and rings in the distance and there’s nothing you can do to not hear it.
Once you see what could be, you’re forever changed. There’s no going back.
How do you get through any of this?
As time has gone on I’ve found that only one thing is capable of helping my soul navigate the endless twists and turns—faith.
Because its faith that allows you trust in something beyond yourself. And when the waves of fear come—which they inevitably will—it’s the only thing that has the power to dissolve all that seeks to keep you huddled and afraid in the dark.
The tradeoff you have to make is letting go of the anger, bitterness, resentment and blame—even if you have all the reasons to be.
Because it’s those things, and those things alone, that stick you like glue to your past, and when you are stuck to those moments, you suffer endlessly.
But if you just let go and trust that there’s so much more for you on the other side of what you need to move through, well, things could work out better than you’ve ever imagined.
That’s the deal.
You are given what you need, not what you want. And when you have a vision to become something beyond who you are now, you are pounded, shaped, morphed, broken down, and put all back together to become that person.
Dealing with all of that takes so much more than a simple willingness to go through the process.
It takes the kind of stuff you can only really find in the depths…
With all of that, there’s nothing you can’t do.
Let go of trying to understand it all, because you can’t. None of us can. It’s beyond us all.
Instead, root yourself deep into what you believe is possible and hold onto it with everything you can.
You’ll get to where you need to go.
The current will take you there.
You are far more looked after than you could ever imagine.
Know that.
Forward, you go—with courage.
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Thank you for being here,
You are an inspiration to many reading from Nairobi kenya
Hi Evan, great to find you here too! I look forward to reading and sharing.