This was very helpful and comforting. Letting go is never easy. Thanks for sharing your experience with us ☺️

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Beautiful ❤️‍🩹

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Thank you so much

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Wise words. Letting go opened my eyes to the truth that not the person was special but the memories I ' ve created. And hopefully I can create new memories in the future and let go of the old ones. The future can be bright and beautiful if I have faith. AND I HAVE FAITH IN GOD. What I have learned along the way has been an eye opener for me, it is a quote from an unkonown source, but a real eye opener:"Being loved is a bare minimum. Make sure you are also valued, respected, proritized, deșire, heard, understood and supported."

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I cried so hard while reading your post. It’s been two years and I feel like I was clinging to the past. Every words you’ve written hits hard. Thank you for this beautiful reminder. Today was a struggle for me, I had to go through a crazy relapse again and again.

Evan, your words are powerful. And it heals a part of me. Thank you very much.

From the Philippines

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