

Listen to those soft whispers. Listen to the beat within your chest telling you which way to go. The path is illuminated when you clear your mind of all of the stories getting in the way. So see. Feel. Run your fingers along the texture of the way and understand that everything pulling you off that course is simply a distraction.


One step at a time.


One breath at at time.

For what you saw in your mind and what moved your heart will one day be if you give yourself the opportunity to dig through the earth.

But you have to continue digging in the same place.

You only dig one hole to China at at time.

Things have become clearer and clearer and clearer. What’s even more interesting is that I’ve arrived at this place where I’ve literally said, “There’s no doubt in my mind that this is the way.” This is the path to travel. This is what I need to do every single day to turn this into a reality.

No more distractions.

No more doubts or worries simply because it couldn’t be clearer.

Dig. Here. Over and over and over again until you arrive at this place. It’s going to take years. Keep digging consistently.

I can.

I can do this.

Before, I would whisper it. Now, I speak with certainty. I speak with conviction. Even more, I’ve put it down on paper. I’ve placed the tasks in front of me and have understood the steps that are needed day in and day out in order to see myself standing in the same place I envisioned years down the line.

This deep rooted sense of persistence and determination has been reinvoked. It has risen in my blood from the depths and egged me along to create. My heart almost feels like it’s going through a revolution of sorts.

A revolution it will be.

The work initially intimated me. It worried me. It made me question. But now, I see the work as a wonderful and challenging journey to embark on that will bring out the best in me. It will change me, once again, in ways that continue to help me grow as a man.

Truth is, I’ve already begun. However, putting it down on paper today and sealing it in plastic so I could see it every single day made it that much more real for me. It has made this path more clear.

So I’m ready.

I’m ready to face the trials, tribulations, demons, dungeons, dragons and the wild fields of peace in between it all. I’m ready to discover on this path.

I have one good shot at this. No way am I going to look back on this day and wish I had started.

I have…and I will continue.

I can. I must.

Evan Sanders
The Better Man Project