Every once in a while I take a step back from writing to really get a feel for it again.

It’s not that I don’t like coming here, but I think I instinctually know after almost 5 years of writing when to take a little bit of a mental break. This past week has been one of the most rewarding weeks of my life as I launched my own life coaching business, was honored with many requests to work with me, and took another leap I never thought I would have taken if you only asked me this a year ago. I never thought way back when I was planting the diamonds of my future. Now, I guess I really understand the importance of creating a vision for yourself.

Last year for me, while there were some very bright spots, was “the pit” of my life. Whenever I tell my story, I have two major pits that I have fallen into, traversed, and climbed out of. Sure there are many downs…but truly none as deep as the one before The Better Man Project started and then during my time in Los Angeles. I lost a piece of myself down there. Looking back on it now, I can only see how extreme some of the things I was going through were. That may be a surprise to those who knew me down there, but in the time I have come back up here I truly realize that I was in a bad place and needed to get out.

I did.

I always have assigned new chapters to my life when I can really feel them coming on (is that much of a surprise for a writer?). This chapter however is really about going for it. I might have said this in a blog before, but it’s about truly branching out into the uncomfortable places of my life, the edges, and getting really comfortable there. A month-ish back I left an old life behind and left the harbor of what I knew was safe and familiar. That decision landed me here, coming across a calling to start a practice, and has also called me to start putting out a significant amount of content to reach as many people as possible. I’ve been listening to these calls loud and clear and haven’t really wasted a moment taking action with them. In fact, I’ve been hearing these calls so much that some of my practices that I do every single day have fallen to the back burner a bit…something I need to get back into as soon as possible.

I’ve noticed lately that I’ve been growing in a way where I am finally realizing that I can’t do everything at once. I do have capacity issues. In the past I would really challenge myself to get as much done, do as much, provide as much, etc without really accepting the consequences…and it wouldn’t really burn me out fully, but it would be a brown out if I were to be honest about it. That way of doing things is not really sustainable at all. You have to be willing and able to create a consistent game plan for yourself that ends with the accomplishment of a long term vision. Not a vision to grasp at or drool over, but one that truly resonates with your heart and you know is a worthwhile cause to pursue.

This is something that I am working on in my life right now.

The first part of my vision lands me at 30 years old and then the second part strikes when I am 35. But I have to plant those seeds now in order to see them grow into that future. Sure things are subject to change along the way, but I know that what is in my mind and in my heart with all of this is worth my effort and my time.

I think the interesting part about life is that we always go on this little mini-journeys throughout the years and if we are courageous enough to answer the call, we learn more about ourselves than we could have ever possibly imagined. I know that this is where I am at right now and can’t imagine going back to the way I was before. I actually can’t go back. Once your mind has been expanded, it can never shrink back down to a previous state of consciousness. It will always be changed.

I will always be changed.

Evan Sanders
The Better Man Project