What is your story going to be?

When it is all said and done, what will people read about you? Will your story be one of succumbing to fear or overcoming significant obstacles, stepping all the way down on the gas pedal, burning those engines out and giving this life you have…this one shot…everything. Because we all have something incredibly special inside of us that is initially covered in dirt. It isn’t a perfect diamond that you just uncover. In fact, this diamond is deep deep down in a cave you didn’t even know existed. In order to get there, you have to take a dive into the dark and start searching around. What does this come down to?


Someone asked me today, “How do you get out of ruts?” Incredible question truthfully. The  short answer to this question is I attack whatever is causing the rut. The truth is, most of the time we know exactly what is bugging us. Someone dumped us, we lost a game, we failed, we cheated at something etc. But the difference between the champions and those who stay stuck forever is that immediate decision to go right back into the fight and keep swinging. To get right back up after being knocked down. To go right back into dating, to put your cleats back on and head back to the mound, to eat clean, to try again – to do whatever you need to do to get right back on the field to play.

Our ruts are perfect examples of sitting in the stands and watching life go by. We aren’t playing on life’s field when we sit back and watch other people go after their dreams. We are observers at that point. But feeling truly alive is about risk. About pushing your chips in every single day and living with uncertainty in a world that is full of uncontrollabes. But life is never out of control. You may view it that way, but in reality, there are plenty of things that you can control and focus on when there is a gigantic shit-storm going on around you. I’ve been there. I’ve been there many many times. Where everything seems like it’s going wrong and whatever could fall apart does. But this next lesson is the most important thing I ever learned playing baseball.

One pitch at a time.

If you focus on one thing at a time when you are in a rut, you will build momentum. This momentum – the momentum gained by doing the little things right – will get you right back on track. I have found that when things are going south that I still am trying to do the big stuff. No. Downsize. Get back to the basics. You have to put your best team on the field before you can play a game against the opponent – your ego. If there’s no one playing first, your going to have a tough time with ground balls to the infield.

Write your story. In fact, write two. Write your future. Fill it with Big Hairy Ass Goals. Then, every day, write your present (keeping your future in mind). When the obstacles come – those fierce dragons and trolls you have to fight along the way – you know you are making some severe progress. Take out the arrows and fire away. Then keep going. Don’t be satisfied and sit back on achieving something if you aren’t “there” yet. It is the man/woman with stamina and endurance who makes it to the end. Don’t think twice about the person or people around you who took off sprinting. You’ll catch up. Do you. Don’t attempt to be anyone else. Be the best version of you – and yes – create that version.

Fill those pages

Evan Sanders
The Better Man Project