Climb in the trenches now, while it’s not convenient for you.

There have been a lot of times where I focused on trying to get the best of everything before I start something. Truth is, this only paralyzes us. We have an excuse for inaction and that excuse destroys all our momentum. I can’t tell you how many times I have said I was going to do this or that, and then that declaration gets stopped in its tracks because of something. Truth is, there is not perfect time to start something. I am going to give you a perfect example that really changed a lot for me last night.

I spent the weekend in Tahoe for my dad’s 60th birthday. The story gets interesting when we are driving home last night. I spent most of the day yesterday hiking Donner Peak, one hell of a mountain, and that completely destroyed my legs. I got home and was having a serious debate about whether to go to sleep or not. I threw some pre-workout mix into my glass, downed it, and headed to the gym at 9pm.

At the end of last year, I told myself that I would be in peak physical condition by December 25th and would take a before and after picture. I have spent almost a year lifting as hard as I could, and the time to buckle down in terms of dieting has come. So last night, I could have made all the excuses in the world to not start then and to wait for “tomorrow.” But I just acted. No questions asked…I just went after it. That action right there has given me the momentum to blast through today, and will carry me until December. One single event, lit a powder keg of motivation that isn’t hollow. Often of times I can tell the difference between short term and long-term motivation. Can you see how important that decision was to me last night?

I found this Bob Marley quote today, and I thought it was pretty incredible. I am fighting for something right now, and in its totality, this quote really applies.

I trust myself. This is something that wasn’t always there. I used to doubt what I wanted, what I committed myself to, and where my dreams were taking me. That mistrust of self is gone now, but the memory remains for a good reason. I can go back to a time where I remember what it was like to really have minimal confidence. My confidence grew when I started doing exactly what I said I was going to do. In fact, my confidence soared when I started to write. I learned that through the words I put on the paper, I could make an impact in my own life. This blog doesn’t just speak to everyone who is listening, it also speaks to me in volumes. Essentially, I am motivating myself to do things that are outside of my comfort zone.

Do what you can do with what you have. This is the second time in a week I have heard this saying. Pretty darn true though. When I put it down on paper, I have a lot of things I can work with. I am in the process of editing my book, and have been lucky enough to meet a bunch of people who want to help me edit. This thing really is becoming a reality, and to be honest, I am actually having dreams about what could happen. I understand the consequences of what could happen if it goes big. I am going to be scrutinized every single day by a whole lot of eyes. There will be many more people watching my every move. Will I make mistakes? Of course. But am I ready to stand in front of the world completely exposed to judgement. You can bet on it. This is something I have wanted for a long time.

Throughout the past week of reading over each post with painstaking detail, I have come across a trend. That trend is perfectly voiced through one word: perseverance. Sometimes it even baffles me to think of what I came out of. However, I have seen the face of resilience through almost each and every post. Sure things have really evolved towards most recent times, but back then, it was clear as day. I am still a fighter and will fight for the people and things I believe in.

If you are reading this blog, welcome. If you have been here for a while, thank you. If you have been here since the beginning…well, there are no words to accurately describe how appreciative I am of you.

I will be continuing this journey through the good and the bad. Thank you for walking along with me.

Evan Sanders
The Better Man Project